Reveal: Keyboard Shortcuts

Reveal can be fully controlled using keyboard. The single most important shortcut is Space (or Enter) to open a context menu on a selected object.


These shortcuts work in Reveal window:

Key Combination Action
Tab Switch focus to next focusable UI element (e.g. switch between output and result panels)
Shift Tab Switch focus to previous focusable UI element
F11 / ⌘⇧M Toggle between maximized and unmaximized window state
Alt F11 / ⌘M Toggle between minimized and unminimized window state
Space / Enter Open context menu (works on Reveal views that display data, e.g. output panel, tables, trees)
Escape Close a closable UI element (e.g. conext menu, results panel, temporary inspector popup)

Output panel

These shortcuts work in the output panel — syntax-highlighted text-like UI:

Key Combination Action
Textual navigation of data structures
Alt ← Alt ↑ Alt → Alt ↓ Structural navigation of data structures
/ / Ctrl F / ⌘F Search the output panel
Ctrl L Clear the output panel

Context menu

These shortcuts work in an action context menu (opened by pressing Space or Enter) on selected object:

Key Combination Action
Switch focus between available actions and eval form input text field
Enter Execute selected action or evaluate the form written in the text field
Alt ↑ Alt ↓ In the text field: traverse history of previously evaluated code forms
Ctrl Enter / ⌘Enter Execute action or form and open the result in a new results panel
Shift Enter Execute action or form and open the result in a temporary sticker window

Results panel

These shortcuts work in a results panel that shows result of some previously selected action:

Key Combination Action
Ctrl ← Ctrl → / ⌘← ⌘→ Switch between result tabs in the results panel
Ctrl ↑ / ⌘↑ Open results panel’s tab tree that provides hierarchical overview of all tabs in this panel
Backspace In the tab tree: close currently selected tab